Becoming a Patient

How to prepare, what to bring when you arrive

How to prepare, what to bring when you arrive:

It is important to bring to your first visit all medical documentation or imaging that you may have available with you along with list of all doctor’s seen for your condition. With your medical release, our scheduling coordinator will assist you to obtain all necessary records so you don’t have to, records can be sent directly to our clinic.

Please include you completed New Patient Form along with your other documentation. All forms will be provided to by the front desk.


Write them down. It is always a good idea to bring a list of questions to ask your doctor. In addition we encourage patients to bring their spouse, significant other, or family member to help you take notes and ask questions.


Examination typically runs approximately an hour and can be lengthier in time. Before you come to the examination make sure you have eaten at least at least 2 hours before so you are not hungry yet also have had the time to process the meal. The brain cannot be tested, perform or respond without the proper fuel.

Report of Findings:

Follow up visit after the examination will then be scheduled after the doctor has reviewed your findings and entire file. If your case is accepted, you will be scheduled for the first treatment.

First treatment – What to expect while in Treatment

The first treatment is typically longer. It is not time based, but is procedure based and dependent on the patient’s processing ability. The treatment each visit is highly individualized to patient exam findings, and dependent on the severity of the condition and amount of symptoms as they are neurologically traced back to their primary source corrected at the layers. If you feel tired, want to relax, or sleep after a treatment, you should. It is essential to give the body the opportunity, not push it to be active, when it is trying to heal and repair. It is always advisable, depending on the severity of the patient’s condition, to be accompanied by a family member or friend for daily assistance, driving, etc. especially when coming from out of state. For out of state patients or patients with multiple complex issues, an extended visit initially may be recommended to make time for a more detailed series of corrections.

Out of State of Distance Patients:

Because of the high level of expertise and success of our practice, we routinely see patients that travel from out of town, and across the country. If you are coming to see us from out of state you can contact our front desk office for a list of recommended hotels and rentals available close to our facility. If you’re flying into Northwest Florida Beaches International Airport, our office is approximately 20 minutes from the airport.

A List of Recommended Hotels:

“The Bay Clinic of Chiropractic LLC has no affiliation with the hotels listed”. It is provided as a courtesy for patients and does not include the complete list of all the hotels in the Panama City area.