Chiropractic Kinesiology

Applied Kinesiology is one of the emerging studies in the chiropractic field based on the study of muscles and movement of the patient’s body as a diagnosis and treatment mechanism. It views the body as an interacting set of different parts that may affect each other in combination with chiropractic methods. It may be described as a diagnostic tool using muscle testing approach combined with other methods to prepare an integrated service for the patient tailored to suit his or her condition.

The diagnosis, in general includes detection of weak muscles in the body and to determine the root cause of why it is not functioning properly. The physician can better analyze and prescribe the appropriate therapy to eliminate muscle weakness to help the patient.

Various therapies that can be utilized include the following:

  • Specific Joint Manipulation/Mobilization
  • Myofascial therapies
  • Cranial Technique
  • Meridian Therapy
  • Clinical Nutrition
  • Dietary Management
  • And many other reflex procedures.
Chiropractic Kinesiology
In addition, Environmental factors and food sensitivities of a patient may are important considerations to determine the reasons for weakness of a previously strong muscle.
Applied Kinesiology uses the – triad of health – chemical, mental and structural factors – to describe the proper balance of the major health categories. The triad is represented by an equilateral triangle with structural health as its base, and the upright sides representing chemical and mental health. When a person experiences poor health, it is due to an imbalance in one or more of these three factors. The triad of health is interactive and all sides must be evaluated for the basic cause of a problem. A health problem on one side of the triad can affect the other sides. For example, a chemical imbalance may cause mental symptoms. Applied kinesiology, thus enables the physician to analyze and evaluate the triad’s balance and suggest therapy towards the imbalanced side or sides.